I have been studying piano with Christopher for several years. His patience and outstanding teaching skills have enabled me to learn quite a bit. He always finds a way to help me overcome my difficulties whenever I am stuck in a particular piece. He’s also very flexible with scheduling. You can’t go wrong with him. - Daniel C.
Excellent instructor. Great knowledge of repertoire for building technique and facility in playing the piano. Accommodating and flexible with scheduling, very professional. - Ryan J.
Absolutely top-notch professionalism from start to finish. Chris's patience, persistence and endless encouragement yield results in every session. - Todd W.
"You are a fantastic piano teacher. I have learned a lot from you in the past four years. I think I like piano even more because I have a great teacher. Thanks for being such an awesome teacher for me and all the other kids who have the wonderful chance of having you as one." - Alexandra S., student (Sanford School)
"Mr. Bradshaw, working with you for so long has broadened my skills beyond my expectations. Your techniques for practicing and sight-reading will help me continue to improve my skills after you've gone."- Richard T., student for 9 years (Sanford School)
"Chris has been a wonderful influence in my son's life during the past four years. He has a way of motivating the kids, fostering a love of both piano and music, without them realizing just how much they are learning while having a good time... He is a phenomenal person, teacher, and musician." - Pam Rapine, parent (Sanford School)
"Chris is a exemplary teacher. What I find most important is his utmost patience... Chris has a positive attitude always and this, he is able to transfer to his students. His comments are always encouraging however small they are, so that [my son] would feel good and ready to improve for the next lesson." - Anne Fernando, parent (Darlington Arts Center)
"Chris Bradshaw is a very gifted piano teacher, and this statement strikes me as a simplification and an understatement. I'm the parent of two of his students, and Chris has been a very effective teacher for both of them, adjusting very well to both their very different personalities. His musical assignments are well matched to the student's capabilities and matched to the areas that need improvement. Once you get past the basics, Chris does not stick to a single style but hones your skills on a variety of music from Baroque to modern. After a decade of listening to my kids take lessons, I regretted that this was something I never got a chance to do when I was younger. So I signed up with Chris Bradshaw and have enjoyed being a student of his myself." - Ray Boutin, parent (Darlington Arts Center)
"Thank you for being my teacher. You've been so kind. I love how you take me through the steps of every song I play. I loved you as my teacher, and I still do. I will try to stick to piano for the rest of my time at this school. I have had you as my piano teacher every year at Sanford and I hope to have you every year until I leave here. Thanks again."
- Meredith V., student for 5 years (Sanford School)
"Thank you very much for giving me piano lessons for the last five years and all the summers in between. Over the course of those five years I have learned...proper technique, theory, how to play long pieces of music... Your lessons have helped me almost everywhere I play music, like when I'm playing in a concert, practicing at home, or just jamming with my friends. You have taught me well and I will always remember that. Your lessons were the best I've had and probably will always be the best." -David H., student (Sanford School)
"My three children, (current ages 14,12 & 11) have taken piano lessons in our home, with Chris Bradshaw, for over four years. In that time, the children have made great advances in their skill levels solely due to Chris' tutelage. I was immediately impressed with and have remained highly satisfied with Chris' style of teaching; he is calm and focused during the lesson, yet firm. Chris is friendly and reassuring all the while pressing the student to improve and be accountable for their skills. Without being intimidating, Chris expects respect from his student and in turn gives respect back to the student. Without hesitation, I would recommend Chris as a piano instructor for children of varying age and skill. Chris is courteous, prompt, trustworthy and overall is delightful company. I felt that I had a 'noisily happy' home when he was sitting at our piano with my children.
Lastly, Chris is not only a skilled instructor, but to hear Chris himself play the piano is akin to receiving a treasured gift. His beautiful style and precise technique elicits an emotional response from anyone privileged enough to hear him play the piano. His love of music is apparent when he sits at a piano.
Thank you, Chris, for the years of music that you have given to my family! You will always be a presence at our piano." -Becky Welsh, Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania
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